We truly believe that the most important aspect of the business environment is the ability to create relationships. If you are looking to meet passionate entrepreneurs, we’d be happy if you joined our events to find out why 92% of our funded startups since 2013 are still in business.
Our events offer investors the chance to meet a selection of pre-screened businesses, get to know the entrepreneur and co-invest with other like-minded experienced investors. Our team of professionals is very selective with the companies that apply and only the ones that meet specific criteria get to pitch at the events.
Types of events
Tech Club consists of a group of investors who share a passion for investing in and growing software-based companies that have a minimum viable product and massive growth potential. Tech investors who want to use their experience in a collaborative environment are welcome to join these events and get to know the entrepreneurs behind the businesses.
Our FinTech Club is made up of a group of like-minded investors who are focused on innovative software-based companies in the financial sector. The event format includes 10-minute pitches, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A and another 10 minutes of discussion amongst the investors. The format gives investors the chance to hear from others with expertise in that sector, before deciding if they would like to see further due diligence.
The London Angel Club is made up of a group of investors who like to share due diligence and co-invest in established B2B companies with a proven model. The Club is always ready to accommodate new members who want to learn from the wealth of experience within the group. Due to a large number of members, pitches are repeated at two separate events allowing members to join session 1 or 2 without missing out or losing the boardroom feel and the ability to ask questions.
Angels Den Funding has also created educational events for less experienced investors and entrepreneurs. The topics covered by our free Masterclasses include due diligence, tax relief, analysing valuations and understanding the legal framework. The masterclasses are taught by one of the most experienced angel investors. Since our total capacity for participants is limited, investors who are registered on our platform are the first to receive an invitation.
Why should you come?
Pitching events are perfect for investors that want to meet the people behind the businesses and discuss with other investors, many of whom are experts in certain sectors and industries. The pitching events are held in London and each event focuses on specific criteria, whether that’s tech, early-stage companies or more established companies selling business to business. This way, you can choose to join the type of event that suits your needs.
We trust that education will play an essential role in the activity of every investor who wants to get involved in shaping businesses that could become tomorrow’s stars. This is the reason why we have developed an unrivaled series of masterclasses for those who want to improve their skills as an investor or who are new to investing and want to learn more.
Check out the video below to see what our events are all about:
Join us for the upcoming events!
If you think you could benefit from attending our events, feel free to contact us for more details (ir@angelsden.com) or book your place to our next ones.